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Monday, February 21, 2011

ALFRED NOBEL : The Inventor of Dynamite (1833-1896)

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a famous scientist, inventor, successful entrepreneur and founder of the Nobel Prize (Nobel Prize). He was born on October 21, 1833, in Stockholm, San Remo, Sweden. His father was Immanuel Nobel and his mother was Swedish Nobel Andriette Ahlsell. His father was an engineer and inventor, his father ability is what will be passed on to Alfred.

Nobel first time doing his first experiments with liquid explosives nitroglycerin in his father's factory (1862), but the results are rather disappointing. He is also working to find materials more effectively which can "tame" nature of the chemical elements nitroglycerin.

In 1864, fatal events occurred in his laboratory. At that time, armed with chemicals in the manufacture of explosives used to mine and torpedo in his father's factory experiment. With a mixture of ingredients that are dipadunya with nitroglycerin caused a loud explosion that shook Heleneborg.

The explosion at the plant laboratory, killed his brother Emil, injures brother and father, and killed four other workers. But Alfred spared from death.

The Swedish government issued a ban to the Nobel to rebuild a plant in the same place. Faced with this problem, Nobel not despair.

He returned to collect his experiment notes and experiment elsewhere.

Through a long struggle and failure after failure, until finally the Nobel find the right mix of explosives that he wanted in 1866: a mixture of kieselguhr and nitroglycerine in a certain dose. He test explosions and achieve perfect results.

Nobel discovery was later named as a powdery mixture Dynamite (dynamite powder mixture). After making improvements in 1867 he patented the invention. Explosives with detonators were later better known as dynamite.

Dynamite proved very popular market. The mining companies, construction and military conduct large-scale orders to him. They chose dynamite, because it tends to be safer than other types of explosives in those days. While the military liked the dynamite because of the nature of the explosion was powerful and can be controlled.

Nobel dynamite factory and then build a lot of different places in the world. Of dynamite and explosives which were produced the next generation, Nobel increasingly rich and famous. In addition to the dynamite, he also has opened the way to perfecting the findings of the artificial material of rubber, leather, silk and certain types of stone.

Nobel Prize

Nobel Statement, published in 1888 before his death in a French newspaper claimed that he condemns dinamitnya discovery that makes him decide to leave a legacy for the world after his death.

The statement, written in the newspaper stating "Le Marchand de la mort est mort" (Death Dealer Death) and further wrote, "Dr. Alfred who has become rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, yesterday has died. "

Nobel indeed become rich and famous due to dynamite, but he was disappointed that dynamite was used instead of the military for purposes of war and destroy mankind. Nobel a very peace-loving and hating the war, actually wanted the dynamite used for development purposes.

On 27 November 1895 at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and a statement by establishing the Nobel Prizes awarded annually without distinction of the nation. Nobel died of stroke on December 10, 1896 in Sanremo, Italy. The amount set aside for the Nobel Prize foundation is around 31 million kronor ($ 4,200,500).

The first three categories of prizes are awarded for physics, chemistry and medicine or physiology, a fourth for literature and a fifth is given to the person or people who devoted himself for the sake of peace.

In 2001, the great-grandson named Peter proposed to the Bank Sweden to distinguish prize in economics in order to "remember Alfred" from the five previous categories. This request causes a lot of controversy whether the prize for Economics is inserted into the "Nobel Prize" or not.

But of the five categories specified Nobel, the Nobel prize for the first (1901) is: Jean Henri Dunant (Switzerland) won the Nobel Peace Prize for his services to establish the Red Cross; Nobel Physics Prize handed over to Wilhelm C. Roentgen (Germany) for the discovery of X-rays; Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff (Netherlands) for his discovery of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure; Nobel Medicine Emil von Behring falls on (German) for the discovery of diphtheria antitoxin; temporary Gifts Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to French poet Sully Prudhomme in his poems are evocative

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