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Friday, January 7, 2011

Venezia Italy

Water city, this might be an appropriate designation for Venice. The town is located in the northeastern part of Italy is directly reminiscent of a name, Marco Polo. Name origin Venetian trader who wanders into a number of Asian countries is easy to remember because it listed in various history books that taught since elementary school. The name Marco Polo can not be separated from Venice. Even the name immortalized as the name of Marco Polo airport in the city.

Venice is known as a tourist city and industrial city. Heritage of fame makes trading city of Venice as one of the famous tourist spots on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. With the nickname The Queen of the Adriatic which is still attached.

You can use the fast trains such as Eurostar and train-like economy class to visit Venice. From various cities in mainland Europe there are some trains which, directly or have to change trains. The train stopped at Santa Lucia Station.

In some places you can find 24-hour cafe, so you need not fear starvation. Want hot coffee to drink tea available in the corners of the station. After that for around the city that was built from the small islands that we use the vaporetto or water bus from the station named Ferovia, not far from the station. From here visitors can surround a number of places in Venice.

There are a number of routes that can be passed from this base. One popular route is Ferovia-San Marco. Magnificent buildings hundreds of years old and have been directly adjacent to the sea. Palaces, churches and museum-style Ghotic, Venezia, Byzantine and Lombardesque are also small-island.

The island of more than 100 that are connected with canals. In this channel operates a traditional boat called a gondola. This is a vehicle which is used if you want to surround the villages on the island. While the bus is only used water outside the canal. Water bus stop in some places and to route Ferovia-San Marco taken within half an hour. On the water bus station in San Marco, you will meet with the vendors of souvenirs, ranging from Venetian crystal, necklace, or a replica of the gondola.

Some tourist sites frequented by tourists, such as the Academia Gallery, Campo Santo Stefano and the Church of San Moise. There's San Marco Square, the Basilica of San Marco and the Ducal Palace as the next destination. Channel San George, a Geto, the Palazzo Rezzonico, estuaries, littoral, Torcello, Burano, Murano, Lido and several churches that have historical value, including Antonio Vivaldi manggungnya place next to the Basilica of San Marco. It took several days to be able to visit all these tourist sites.

No need to worry about lodging. Hotels in Venice offers the usual fare in three seasons, the low season (January 3 to January 31), middle season (February 13-March 14) and high season (November 10-December 27).

When Venice became a tourist destination you, do not forget to buy a souvenir glass crystal. Venice is known as a regional producer of high quality crystal souvenir in Europe with a variety of forms. When you come to Venice to coincide with a holiday, you should come somewhat early, so no need to queue long to get the water bus.

In Specific, Indonesia also has some nice river with a typical life of the rim. When we are conscious about tourism, it is probably a lot of places in this country that is not less beautiful than the charm of Venice.

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Casa Goldoni a Palazzo Centano, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca 'd'Oro, Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Galleria at the Palazzo Cini, Museo Correr, the Museo d'Arte Erotica, Museo d'Arte Orientale, Museo del Ghetto, Museo del Merletto in Burano, Museo del Settecento veneziano (Ca 'Rezzonico), Museo del Vetro in Murano, Museo dell'Istituto Ellenico, Museo della Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Museo della Scuola Dalmata dei SS. Giorgio e Trifone, in storia Naturale Museo, Museo at Torcello, Museo Diocesano in Arte sacra, Ebraico Museo, Museo Marciano, San Pietro Martire parrocchiale Museo, Museo Storico Navale, Palazzo Fortuny, the Palazzo Ducale, Palazzo Grassi, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Pinacoteca e Museo in S. Lazzaro degli Armeni, Pinacoteca Manfrediniana, Scuola Grande dei Carmini, Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, the Scuola Grande San Marco, Scuola Grande San Rocco.

Piazzas and Campi
* St. Mark's Square
* Campo San Polo

Palaces and palazzi
* Doge's Palace
* Palazzo Grassi
* Ca 'd'Oro
* Ca 'Rezzonico
* Peggy Guggenheim Collection
* Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo
* Fondaco dei Turchi
* Palazzo Labia
* Scuola Grande of San Marco
* Palazzo Malipiero
* Palazzo Foscari

* Basilica of San Marco
* Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
* Other churches

Other Buildings
* Accademia
* The Arsenal
* La Feniceopera house
* La Torre dell'Orologio (St Mark's Clock)

Bridge and Canal
* Rialto Bridge
* The Bridge of Sighs
* Accademia Bridge
* Scalzi Bridge
* Piazzale Roma Footbridge

* The Venetian Lagoon
* Islands: Burano, Lazzaretto Vecchio, Lido, Mazzorbo, Murano, Mioldalni, Isola La Grazia, San Michele, Isola In San Secondo, Sacca Sessola, Sant'Erasmo, Isola In San Clemente, San Francesco Colonel Deserto, San Giorgio in Alga , San Giorgio Maggiore, San Lazzaro degli Armeni, San Servolo, Santo Spirito, Torcello, Vignole.

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